
The QuickWin samples demonstrate how to create QuickWin graphics applications with the Intel® Fortran Compiler. QuickWin library routines let you build applications with a simplified version of the Windows* interface. Each sample contains specific emphasis on a particular QuickWin feature. Refer to the table below for additional details.

System Requirements

Minimum requirements include an Intel® 64 architecture processor-based host system. Refer to the Intel® Parallel Studio XE product Release Notes for details on the complete system requirements.

Build Instructions

Expand the ZIP file to a writable directory of your choice and then refer to the individual readme.html file included with each individual sample and tutorial for additional information about building and executing the example.

Sample Name


Calendar Demonstrates the use of the QuickWin library, displaying a graphical monthly calendar for the current month.
Poker A video Poker Fortran program using QuickWin.
QWPaint Paintbrush program demonstrating use of mouse callbacks and graphics routines in a QuickWin application.
SciGraph SciGraph is a package of Intel® Visual Fortran routines for drawing scientific graphs including line, bar, XY, and pie graphs.